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The Boating Infrastructure Grant Program provides grants for transient moorage (tie-ups) serving recreational motorboats 26 feet and longer. Transient means passing through or by a place, staying 15​ days or less. The program is administered in Pennsylvania by the PA Fish and Boat Commission, in cooperation with U.S. Department of Interior's U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Program Guidelines

Where does the money come from?

The grants are awarded under the Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) program authorized by the Sportfishing and Boating Partnership Act of 1998 and funded by excise taxes on motorboat fuel. The Act authorizes a competitive grant program for states to develop and maintain facilities for transient non-trailerable boats.

Who is eligible?

Grants may be made to public and private operators of open-to-the-public boating facilities: municipal agencies (cities, towns, counties, etc.), state agencies (State Parks, DNR, Fish & Wildlife, etc.), and other government entities.

What does the grant cover?

In Pennsylvania, the program's goal is to provide funds to develop and maintain transient moorage (tie-ups) serving recreational boats 26 feet and larger. Eligible project activities include the construction, renovation and maintenance of transient tie up facilities. Boating infrastructure refers to features that provide stopover places for transient non-trailerable recreational vessels to tie up. These features include transient slips, day docks, floating docks and fixed piers, navigational aids, and dockside utilities including electric, water, and pumpout stations.

There are two "tiers" of grant support. Tier 1 provides funding for small-scale projects. Up to $300,000 is available annually to each state. Tier 2 is for projects that request more than $3​00,000. Tier 2 projects compete nationally in a process managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.

What will it cost?

Project sponsors must provide at least 25 percent of the resources needed to complete the project. Availability of these resources must be confirmed before project approval. Resources used for the match may come from a variety of sources, including: appropriations, bond issues, agency labor, and donations (including cash, labor, materials and equipment). Project sponsors do not receive grant funds at the time of funding approval. Rather, reimbursement takes place after the sponsor certifies that expenditures have been made.

Applicants Responsibilities under the Grant Program

    1. The property or facilities funded with Boating Infrastructure assistance must be designed and built to be useable for at least 20 years.
    2. Facilities should be built on navigable waters available to the public in water deep enough for non-trailerable recreational vessels to navigate.
    3. Grant recipients must also install navigational aids to allow safe passage for transient vessels between the tie up facility and the channels or open water.
    4. Other commitments include ensuring proper maintenance of new developments/renovations, facilitating audits, providing for nondiscrimination, etc.

Can you charge for the use of the facility?

Yes, however the Commission encourages the free use of facilities constructed under this program.

Whom do I contact to participate?

PA Fish and Boat Commission
Boating Infrastructure Grant Program
PO Box 67000
Harrisburg, PA 17106-7000

What is the Application Deadline?

Applications are due July 31 with successful proposals approved early in the following year.