Activities/Crafts --
Coloring Pages --
PLAY (Pennsylvania League of Angling Youth) Newsletters --
Fish Parts
Word search puzzle on external anatomy of soft ray fish. Label the parts and find the names in the word search. Good introduction to terminology.
Fish Raised at the Linesville State Fish Hatchery (word search)
Find the fish and learn fish facts about the various fish raised at the Linesville State Fish Hatchery.
Little Cats
Do you know how many catfish are in PA? Test your knowledge, fill in the answers and uncover a secret message using this fun activity.
What Fish Can You Catch at the Lake
Word scramble and matching activity.
What's What in Your Boat
Learn boating terminology with this fun activity page.
"How to Draw A (Fish)" video series:
How to Draw a... Brook Trout
Let’s learn How to Draw a Brook Trout with the help of one of PFBC’s Fishing Skills Instructors, Tiffany London.
How to Draw a… Channel Catfish
Next to the Flathead Catfish, the Channel Catfish is one of PA’s largest Catfish. They can weigh up to 15lbs and measure 30 inches long. They are found statewide, usually in clear, warm lakes, and large rivers, over clean sand, gravel, or rock bottoms. Usually anglers find them in deep pools/runs in the rivers. In the summer, they are lots of fun to catch at night!
How to Draw a… Crappie
At first glance, Crappie appear to be black and white; but look closer and you will see iridescent colors and sheens. Have fun adding colors to your drawing!
Another popular PA sportfish, Crappie, provide fun fishing opportunities throughout the year. Fall is yet another great time to target Crappie. They live in most lakes/ponds across PA.
How to Draw a... Largemouth Bass
Known as “Bucketmouth”, Largemouth Bass are a popular PA sportfish found in most ponds/lakes. They are PA’s largest Sunfish. Staying close to logs, stumps, and weedy areas of the lake, they like to ambush prey. They are lots of fun to catch throughout the summer!
How to Draw a… Musky
October’s “How to Draw a (Fish)” brings us the Muskellunge! I am PA’s largest & fastest-growing fish. I am missile-shaped and have a ducklike snout filled with sharp teeth. My color and markings vary in intensity. I am an apex predator and anglers love fishing for me.
How to Draw a... Pumpkinseed
Displaying colors as vibrant as some tropical fish, Pumpkinseeds have bright turquoise colors on their head and body. Their belly can be yellow or sometimes orange in color. Warm, sunny days in May are a great time to head to local lakes and learn how to fish! Pumpkinseeds are lots of fun to catch and easier to catch than most fish! They provide multiple opportunities for new anglers to learn how to hook, reel in and release fish for the first time.
How to Draw a... Smallmouth Bass
Known as “Bronzeback” by some anglers, Smallmouth Bass, are a popular sportfish across PA. The scales on their body cast a bronze colored sheen. They have a series of 8-15 olive colored, vertical lines on their sides. Their eyes can be orange to red in color.
How to Draw a… Steelhead
Known by some as "Silver Shadows" or "Chromers", Steelhead are lake run Rainbow Trout. Once they hatch, they travel down streams to Lake Erie. There, they grow for a few years and then return to the streams to spawn. Steelhead have a pink strip down their sides, like Rainbow Trout; however, they usually appear more silver in color. They grow to an average size of 6-8lbs and can live for up to 8 years. In PA, the best time to fish for Steelhead is from early November through early April.
How to Draw a… Yellow Perch
Yellow Perch are a popular sportfish with lake and ice anglers. Known to be very tasty, Yellow Perch anglers are usually gearing up to fish for them from December through March. Yellow Perch live in a variety of aquatic habitats, including warm or cold lakes and ponds. A prime Yellow Perch lake is cool and clear, with a sandy or gravelly bottom, covered in underwater vegetation
Coloring Pages
PLAY Newsletters
"Fishing is Reel Fun” booklet
This 18-page activity booklet is full of fishing and boating information to help anglers and boaters of all ability levels enjoy safe, fun, and year-round outdoor adventures in Pennsylvania. Enjoy!
"My Adventures" write-your-own story booklet
With this 12-page activity booklet you can write-your-own adventure about a trip on or near a PA waterway (e.g. stream, river, pond, lake). You can also share something you learn, share how you would teach someone else about what you learned, and share a memory that you will keep with you as you grow. Begin your story today!
PLAY: All About Fish
PLAY issue containing the following articles: fish anatomy, a fish family tree, and How fish swim.
PLAY: All About Trout
PLAY issue containing the following articles: All About Trout, PA's Trout & Salmon Family Tree, It's a Trout's Life, Trout Fishing, Care of the Catch.
PLAY: The Catfish Family
PLAY issue containing the following articles: The Catfish Family;Catfish in Pennsylvania;Life of a Catfish; Know your Catfish; To Catch a Cat; Little Cats (questions & word secret message).
PLAY: Freaky Fish of PA
PLAY issue containing the following articles: Freaky Fish of PA; Paddlefish & Gars; Catfish; Parasitic Lampreys; Northern Snakehead; Aquatic Invasive Species; Create Your Own Freaky Fish.
PLAY: PA’s Most Migratory Fish
PLAY issue containing the following articles: PA’s Most Migratory Fish; The Life Cycle of American Shad; Where Have All the Fish Gone?; A Successful Shad Story; Many More Migratory Fish.
PLAY: Perch Family
PLAY issue containing the following articles: The Perch Family; Darters; Yellow Perch; Fishing for Yellow Perch; Sauger and Walleye; Fishing for Sauger or Walleye; The Perch Family (word search).
PLAY: Pike Family
PLAY issue containing the following articles: All About the Pike Family; Grass Pickerel and Redfin Pickerel; Chain Pickerel; Northern Pike; Muskellunge; Pike Family Word Search.
PLAY: The Sunfish Family (Bass)
PLAY issue containing the following articles: The Sunfish Family, Sunfish Family Tree, Life of a Sunfish, Know Your Bass, To Catch a Bass, Care of the Catch.
The following two links are playlists that will take you through all of PFBC’s videos related to PA Fishes OR you can go through them individually by clicking links below.
Intro to Bass Fishing
In this video, PFBC Fishing Skills Instructors, Don & Renee Kelly, introduce you to some basics on where to fish for Bass, essential fishing equipment, how to setup your rod and reel, and some great tackle and techniques to use for Bass.
Introduction to Brook Trout in Pennsylvania
This video introduces
you to PA’s State Fish, the Brook Trout! Learn where they are native to; impacts to waters they call home; identifying characteristics; prime habitat areas; life history; spawning behavior; and their role as one of PA’s key, indicator species of healthy waters.
Introduction to Brown Trout in Pennsylvania
This video introduces you to Brown Trout in Pennsylvania. Learn the history, identifying characteristics, spawning behavior, and habitat associated with this common Pennsylvania Salmonid.
Intro to Crappie Fishing
Late May through early June can be a very productive time to catch Crappies! They are fun to catch and can be found within casting distance of the shoreline this time of year. Check out this Intro to Crappie Fishing video, created by PFBC Fishing Skills Instructors, Don and Renee Kelly (Owners of Wellsboro Tackle Shack)!
Intro to Panfish Fishing
Late May & throughout summer is a great time to get out and fish for Panfish! They are fun to catch and quick to take your bait on warm days. Check out this Intro to Panfish Fishing video, created by PFBC Fishing Skills Instructor, Kelly Williams!
Introduction to Rainbow Trout in Pennsylvania
This video introduces you to Rainbow Trout in Pennsylvania. You will learn the history, identifying characteristics, spawning behavior, and habitat associated with this common Pennsylvania Salmonid.
PFBC Lake Erie Brown Trout Program
Learn about PFBC’s Lake Erie Brown Trout program. Check out video caption for more details about the program.
Pennsylvania Musky Program (2019)
The stocking of fewer but larger yearling muskies represents a change in the way the PFBC manages muskies; whereas previously, a larger number of smaller fingerling muskies were stocked. Biologist research indicates that the new approach of introducing larger fish will greatly increase the survival rate of these fish.
Recovery of the Chesapeake Logperch
This video describes efforts by researchers from several conservation agencies to study the life cycle of the Chesapeake Logperch and restore their numbers within their historical home range. (Project partners include the PFBC, USFWS, Penn State University, Pennsylvania Biological Survey, Susquehanna River Basin Commission, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Conservation Fisheries, Inc., and volunteers.)
Wild Trout Survey: East Branch Standing Stone Creek
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission conducts a wild trout survey along the East Branch Standing Stone Creek, located within Greenwood Furnace State Park in Huntingdon County, PA.